
Register now, using a credit card, by clicking here.

Registration is required to participate in any/all parts of the conference, except for the career fair, which is open to all students irrespective of registration status. Authors and student contest participants MUST register by March 29th or they run the risk of having their paper removed from the proceedings and/or their contest registration voided (particularly if there are other teams on the waiting list for the particular competition).

Registration is now available. Registration rates will differ by faculty/professional and student status and by when the registration is made.

Register now, using a credit card, by clicking here.

Registration Rates

(until 31-March)
On-site registration
(after 31-March)
Faculty / Professional$135$195

Pre-registration rates will apply until March 31, 2019. Between April 1st and 3rd, the system will be switched over to support on-site registration. On-site registration rates will apply for those registering after March 31st and, in particular, those registering in person.

Registration instructions – Including Check Registration

Pre-registration can be made with either check or credit card. Please contact for check payment instructions. Pre-registrations by check must reach NDSU by March 31, 2019 (March 29, 2019 for authors / contest participants). Please note that on-site registration MUST be paid with either a check or credit card. We will not have the ability to accept cash payments.

Register now, using a credit card, by clicking here.